


Sabina Pariante


Sinossi:  Siamo in Italia all’inizio del secolo scorso, in una notte in cui c’è uno sciopero per sole donne per il miglioramento delle condizioni di lavoro, nel Film Exploit Development Plant, LOMA. La giovane Nina, figlia di uno dei fondatori dell’impianto, Roberto Lombardo, consapevole dell’incarcerazione ingiusta di suo padre e appena ricevuta la notizia della sua morte, decide di vendicarlo.

We are in Italy at the beginning of the last century on a night in which there is a women-only strike for the improvement of working conditions in the Film Exploit Development Plant, LOMA. The young Nina, daughter of one of the founders of the plant, Roberto Lombardo, being aware of the unjust incarceration of his father and having just received the news of his death, decides to avenge him.


Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased.

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