


Piotr Sulkowski



Sinossi:  Il protagonista, che soffre di un trauma infantile, incontra il sé del passato per cercare di allontanare il travolgente sentimento di colpa che lo perseguita. L’uomo vive tra il passato e il presente.  Attraverso il confronto con i suoi stessi demoni potrà riuscire a liberarsi e a scoprire chi è veramente. Un cattivo o una vittima? O, forse, entrambi?

The protagonist ,suffering from a childhood trauma, meets his past self in order to banish the overwhelming feeling of guilt that haunts him. The man lives in between past and present.Facing his own demons is a way to set himself free and discover who he really is. Is he a victim or a villain? Or, maybe both at the same time?



Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased.

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