
Premio Rotary – Miglior cortometraggio animato a tema ambientale – The boy and the mountain (registi Santiago Aguilera, Gabriel Monreal)



Hernán è un bambino a cui piace sognare ad occhi aperti, ma nei suoi studi non sta andando affatto bene. Il padre lo sprona costantemente a migliorare, consigliandogli che deve arrivare molto in alto per avere successo nella vita. Hernán rinuncia al suo sogno, dimenticandolo gradualmente per dedicarsi ai suoi studi.

Hernán is a child who likes to daydreaming, but in his studies he is not doing well at all. His father constantly urges him to improve, advising him that he must reach very high to succeed in life. Hernán dispenses with his dream, gradually forgetting it to devote himself to his studies.

Regia di / directed by

Santiago Aguilera, Gabriel Monreal


Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased.

fb. tw. ig.