
The Uncle

The Uncle

The Uncle

Hyoung-jin Kim

Republic of Korea

Sinossi:  Una ragazza di 19 anni è bloccata a letto a causa di una malattia mentale. Vivendo una vita senza significato, un giorno, un uomo che si definisce “lo zio”, viene a casa sua. Grazie a lui, la ragazza troverà finalmente il significato della sua vita.

A 19-year-old girl, who cannot get out of her own bed due to psychological injury, is as motionless as a plant. Living life without meaning, one day, a man who calls himself, ‘uncle’, comes to her house. With him, she finally finds the meaning of her life.

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased.

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